John Bottenberg

"Esther helped me to persevere, even when things were tough."

Back to work with renewed confidence. John Bottenberg found a new job thanks to Thaeles.

When John Bottenberg learned that his employer had to reorganize and he was declared redundant, he felt disheartened. "I had been working for the same employer for almost thirty years, except for two months, so I'm not exactly young. I'm not tech-savvy, and I use a bicycle for commuting. I never dared to dream that I would find work again. Of course, the idea of freedom crossed my mind briefly: enjoying fishing. Perfect for leisure time. But sitting at home doesn't make anyone happy. I really wanted to get back to work."

John was offered a job-to-job transition and thus met Esther Timmermans from Thaeles. For our first appointment, I had to travel from Bergen to Malden on my scooter, quite a journey. Fortunately, subsequent appointments could take place over the phone. Those were truly enjoyable conversations. Esther helped me find job openings and, more importantly, encouraged positive thinking, boosted my confidence, and motivated me to persevere, even when things were tough. I spoke with employers whom I thought, 'this could work out well.' But then, I heard nothing."

And then the unexpected happened: John got a job at Buitelaar, a company in Bergen that manufactures wood constructions. "You know what's funny?" John continues. "Buitelaar is only 100 meters away from my previous employer. I can just ride my bike to work again. Wonderful! I'm especially proud that I managed to find work again at my age. I hope this gives confidence to other people in the same situation."

John Bottenberg

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